Archive for the ‘Stormy’ Category

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Times of Change……

Late last year when Stormy came back to training after recovering from his shoulder injury, I knew that we were very fortunate to have a second chance to finish our goal.  It was decided then that if we were lucky enough to finish the OTCH, he would be retired immediately.  He would not continue to compete because it simply would not be worth the potential risk of him re-injuring his shoulder.

Marianna told me not long ago that finishing this long worked toward, much anticipated goal would be both wonderful and bittersweet.  Well, boy oh boy, was she ever right on that one!   As expected, since finishing the OTCH things have changed….. Stormy still comes to  obedience classes, he is doing bits and pieces here and there for fun and to keep his mind in shape.  But, Robbie and Britt have become the main focus in training now. 

Today was my first obedience lesson since Stormy finished his championship, while driving to the lesson on this damp Fall day, I was feeling pretty melancholy.  It was the first time I felt the full impact of just how bittersweet finishing the OTCH really would be for me.  Robbie and Britt were with me, Stormy stayed home because there wouldn’t be enough time to work him as well in the short time that we had for our lesson.  WOW, it seems so strange to even think that…..Britt and Robbie have been in the “back seat” at obedience lessons for so long while Stormy was the one seriously training.  To even think that he was not to be a part of this lesson just felt so odd.  

Fall is the season of change….and I guess things really are changing for me, as exciting as it will be to move forward with the “back seat” kids, I will miss the constant working and trialing with Stormy.  He was always “on”, always “ready”, he was always “there for me”…… he is nothing short of amazing, he truly is a once in a life time dog!


A New OTCH!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

On August 23, 2009 my “big blue handsome man”, otherwise known as Stormy, finished his OTCH!!!!!!!!!!  Stormy and I have been training in obedience and working toward his Obedience Trial Championship for a very long time.  We have had to make it through many roadblocks along the way, our biggest was a nearly crippling shoulder injury that had him out of commission for most of 2008. 

In spite of it all, Stormy has had an incredible career; he has been high in the obedience rankings in every level.  I have been blessed and honored to be in the ring with such an amazing dog!!  I owe my heartfelt thanks to our dear friend and trainer Marianna Beard, without her guidance we would never have been able to see this through. 

I still can’t believe we finally did it,  we completed the journey all the way from Novice A to OTCH!  I will be on cloud 9 for a long time to come!  


Celebrating with a hug!

Celebrating with a hug!

My web site has recently had a complete makeover and this blog was added.  Now that Stormy will be “semi-retired”, I will use some of that free time (LOL) to learn how to use this area and keep it updated with the activities of my fur-kids.