The rough life of a retired Obedience Trial Champion!

Even though he is no longer showing, Stormy always travels with me when I go away to a seminar or a show.  We have made the long trip to and from New Hampshire 3 out of the last 4 weekends, and he really needs a break!  This is his opinion of what a Monday after that trip should be….

Stormy's new versions of the obedience exercises include The High Jump=getting on the couch, Scent Discrimination=using your nose to decide which pillow is the best to rest on, and finally the Long Down= settling in for a well deserved nap!

Stormy's new versions of the obedience exercises include; The High Jump=getting on the couch, Scent Discrimination=using your nose to decide which pillow is the best to rest on, and finally the Long Down= settling in for a well deserved nap!

One Response to “”

  1. John says:

    I want to retire and learn the high jump and the long down too.