Rain, Rain go away……..

It seems that it rained all through the Spring, and then the Summer too.  Now that it is Fall, why should things change??  No reason…..so, the rain has continued.  TriState Shetland Sheepdog Club had a sanctioned match scheduled at the end of September, and we were rained out.  Today was our rain date…..should we be surprised, it was raining yet again!  The rain certainly affected the entry, but, there were brave souls who did come despite the weather.  The Sweeps entries were judged by Kerry Newcomb, and the Regular Class entries by Connie Nelson.  A darling young puppy bitch bred by Richard, Nancy and Liz  Hildreth, won both Best In Sweeps AND Best In Match today!   Thankfully, we somehow managed to get everything done between the showers. 

Connie Nelson and her choice for Best in Match!

Connie Nelson and "Maggie" her choice for Best in Match!

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