Archive for the ‘Puppies’ Category

Monday, April 11th, 2011

We have puppies on the way!!!!!!

Jetta had her ultrasound today, and we were very excited to see several puppies……actually looks like 5 or maybe even 6 are packed away in there!  Well, she has another month to bake, and they will arrive in mid May!!!!!!

Ultrasound image of one of Jetta's puppies

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Indy, Gibs and Belle!!!!!!

I can hardly believe it has already been 6 years since my first litter was born! 

Indy, Belle and Gibson 12-27-03

Indy, Belle and Gibson 12-27-03

Indy, Gibson and Belle were born on Veterans Day, 11/11/03 and the first puppy arrived at 11:11am!  We tried to come up with litter names that would be relevant to this day.  Indy’s name came from Independence, Belle’s from the Liberty Bell, and the very handsome Gibson after one of my favorite actors Mel Gibson for his movie “The Patriot”.  Though it does not usually happen, their new families all kept the litter names that the puppies were given.

whatPuppiesDo Best!

Belle went to live the life of luxury as a much doted on family pet with a wonderful family in Massachusetts.  She joined an older Sheltie “brother” named Jasper.



Gibson and Indy both joined Carol and Gary Weiner here in CT.  Soon after starting puppy classes both Carol and Gary were bitten by the “agility bug”.   Not long after starting agility training, Gary’s fancy sport car was traded in for a more dog friendly SUV.  Eventually they were knee deep in agility trials and a motor home joined their fleet too!  Carol and Gary, along with Indy and Gibs, have been familiar faces at the agility trials in the North East over the last few years. 

Gary has done an amazing job with Gibson; he is a very fast and talented agility dog!  They are such fun to watch on course :-)  

Gary and Gibson

Gary and Gibson

Not to be out done by her dynamic big brother, in September 2008, Indy (and Carol) went all the way from Novice A to earning a MACH!!!!  Indy is Carol’s first MACH dog and she is the first Champion for Wyndridge too!  We are so proud of you and all that you have achieved together!

Carol and MACH Indy!

Carol and MACH Indy!

Happy 6th Birthday, Indy, Gibson and Belle!!!!!!  And Happy Veterans Day too!  Especially on this day, we should say a special prayer and give thanks for all of the men and women who have sacrificed so much to ensure the freedom that we all enjoy!
